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The Royal Institute of Philosophy Public  Festival 2022
28th September @ HOME Arts Centre, Manchester, 10:00 - 18:00 

Philosophy of Psychiatry and Lived Experience:
new models of mental health

The past few years have seen profound challenges to the way of life established in the Western world since 1945.

The covid-19 pandemic has changed everything temporarily and seems likely to have lasting impacts on our everyday lives. Overwhelming evidence of accelerating climate change requires us to consider far-reaching changes to our economic structures and built environments. The internet now allows far greater individual connectivity than was previously possible, but this has brought with it widespread misinformation which threatens to undermine our political institutions.

At the same time, knowledge of the personal impacts of illness and disability, of the fragility and importance of mental health, of the diversity of human minds, and of the sentience and sapience of other animals, have all increased significantly. We should employ this renewed and still developing understanding of ourselves and our relations to our world in our responses to the challenges that characterise our times


The aim of this project is to hold a festival on new models of public mental health, provide open-facing resources for education surrounding public mental health, and enrich the academic discourse found therein.

Festival Flyer V3-01-01.jpg

Ulrik Kihlbom

(Karolinska Institute)


Colin King

(Independent scholar & activist)


Mohammed Rashed

(Birkbeck University)


Lucienne Spencer

(University of Birmingham)


Kai Syng Tan

(Manchester Metropolitan University)


Tim Thornton

(University of Central Lancashire)


Panayiota Vassilopoulou

(University of Liverpool)


Alana Wilde

(Manchester Metropolitan University)

Speakers Include:


Anna Bergqvist

(Manchester Metropolitan University)


David Crepaz-Keay

(The Mental Health Foundation)


Sam Fellowes

(Lancaster University)


Bill Fulford

(University of Oxford, the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice)


Ashok Handa

(University of Oxford, the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice)


Edward Harcourt

(University of Oxford)


Ian James Kidd

(University of Nottingham)




The festival's aim is to explore the values and virtues needed to successfully navigate and flourish in a rapidly changing environment that constantly presents us with novel challenges.  










This festival is made possible by The Royal Institute of Philosophy and is in collaboration with The Collaborating Centre for Value-Based Practices, The International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry, Manchester Metropolitan University, the Mental Health Foundation, and the Mind Association.



For more information or to enquire about anything related to the festival, please do not hesitate to get in touch by leaving us a message below!

Thank you for your interest!

Our Collaborators:

  • Twitter

Header Image: My Eyes in the Time of Apparition (August Natterer, 1913)

*All information on this site is accurate from date of publishing 

and may be subject to change

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